Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb …..

Image (c) Helen Whyte

Grow in an open position which gets plenty of sun. It prefers fertile and well drained soil. Harvest the stems in summer : twist the stems off at the base and try to avoid breaking them. Do not over harvest until the plant is well established. Cook the stems slowly in a non aluminium pot adding little or no water.

Uses : stewed in fruit pies and crumble, preserves, i.e. rhubarb and ginger jam.

Do not eat the leaves !

Apple and rhubarb crumble :
125g plain flour
50g butter / margarine
50g sugar
450g prepared cooking apples and rhubarb

Rub the fat and flour together to form breadcrumbs
Stir in half the sugar
Stew the fruit in the remaining sugar
Place the stewed fruit in a pie dish and cover with the crumble mixture
Bake at 180c or gas mark 4 for 30 mins, until golden brown.

Serve with custard and enjoy !

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